Busted Read online

Page 6

  “Is that what we’re doing now?” I take a step back and bump into the counter.

  Suddenly, his big hands are on me, turning me around and pulling off my clothes. “Yes. That’s what we’re doing now.”

  I lean over the counter as my heart starts pounding. There’s a grin on my face as I shove my ass in the air. The grin melts away, replaced with a deep moan when I feel his hard cock pressing up against it.

  “The doctor said no physical activity for another two weeks,” I say as I drag him to the floor. I make him lie down on our new hardwood floors and then I straddle him.

  He groans when I pull his big cock out. I’m wearing a skirt so I just move my panties to the side and sink down on his hard dick.

  With my palms on his hard stomach, I ride his long cock up and down as he rubs my clit with his thumb.

  He gives me one orgasm and then brings me to another as he watches me with a desperate lust, like he can’t believe that I’m real. I love that look. It’s like he can’t get enough of what he’s seeing.

  This man is always making me feel so special.

  He proved that he’d die for me and kill for me.

  There’s nothing he won’t do to keep me safe.

  His back arches off the floor and he grunts as he cums deep in my pussy. I cum again when I feel the rush of his hot cum filling me up.

  My pussy clenches around him and I fall into his open arms.

  It takes a few minutes before I can breathe again.

  “Should we call the movers back in?” I ask with a giggle.

  “What’s the point of furniture?” he asks with a chuckle. “I’m fine just like this. You’re all I need, jailbait.”

  I grin as I look up and kiss the tip of his chin.

  “I agree, but maybe we can find the box with your handcuffs?”

  He smiles. “That we will need.”

  I laugh. I’m glad we’re on the same page.



  Five Months Later…

  I’m gripping Mindy’s hand as the doctor squirts the clear liquid all over her pregnant stomach.

  He’s about to touch her with his bare hand and I clear my throat in warning. His eyes dart up to mine as his hand hovers in the air.

  “Oh, Owen,” Mindy says with a chuckle.

  But I’m not laughing. It makes me crazy when other men try to touch my girl. It makes me want to break fingers and crush hands.

  He slowly moves his hand away and graciously offers for me to take over.

  “Would you like to do it?” he asks with a tremble in his voice.

  I stare him down with hard eyes as I start lathering up my girl’s swollen belly. “I sure would.”

  It’s all dark in the room and if Doctor BetterNotTouchMyGirl wasn’t here then I would keep sliding my hand down south.

  Just touching her pregnant stomach and knowing that my baby is growing inside her young womb is getting me all worked up. I shift in my seat as my cock hardens. As soon as this appointment is over, I’m dragging my girl to the hotel across the street and sinking my hard cock into her juicy cunt.

  It doesn’t matter that she’s already bred. This one will be just for fun.

  When her belly is all wet and covered with the slick gel, the doctor sheepishly asks if he can continue with the ultrasound.

  Mindy slaps my hand away as she smirks at me. She’s always laughing at how jealous and possessive I am with her, but I can’t help it. Being the only one to touch my girl is never a joke to me.

  He presses the transducer to her belly and starts moving it around. My eyes are locked on his hands, making sure he’s not touching her, when I hear Mindy gasp.

  My eyes dart to hers and my heart clenches when I see tears in her eyes.

  “Look,” she says, grabbing my chin and turning my head away.

  It’s then that I see it on the monitor. The most gorgeous baby I’ve ever seen. It’s in black and white and all distorted, but it’s there, and it’s ours.

  My eyes start to water and I have to bite my bottom lip to stop from tearing up even more. Mindy slides her hand into mine as we stare at the little heartbeat pounding away.

  We’re a family now. It’s not just the two of us anymore.

  “Do you want to know the sex?” the doctor asks.

  “Yes!” we both shout at the same time.

  He chuckles. “It’s a boy.”

  “A boy?” My heart swells up so big that I’m worried it’s going to burst out of my chest.

  I’ve always wanted a boy.

  Mindy tightens her grip on my hand and I swear, I’ve never been happier.

  I never thought that a rough brute like me would ever find the kind of sweetness and love that I’ve found with Mindy. I didn’t think it was in the cards for me.

  I had never been good with girls. I think I scared them with my intensity, but with Mindy, we just fit. Like peanut butter and jelly. It was fast and sudden, but when you know it’s meant to be, why waste another second waiting?

  And now the love that we share is just going to grow exponentially. It’s limitless. It’s going to expand forever with each new little addition to our family.

  We’re both staring in awe at the waves on the screen when another little flicker appears.

  “Oh,” the doctor says, looking startled.

  “What is it?” Mindy asks as she shifts in her seat.

  Is that…?

  “Twins,” the doctor says. “You’re having twin boys.”

  I turn and look at Mindy’s face just in time to see a tear fall down her cheek. I scoop it up with my thumb, put it to my lips, and taste it. Just like I did the first time I saw her.

  It tastes salty and sweet and it makes me so happy.

  “Twins,” she whispers, looking like she’s bordering the line between joy and panic.

  I squeeze her hand and kiss her cheek. “It’s going to be amazing,” I whisper to her. “Every moment.”

  “Every moment?” she asks with her eyebrow raised and a grin on her lips.

  “Most moments,” I answer with a smile. “And even the bad ones will still be pretty damn good.”

  I drag my eyes down over her big breasts that are getting bigger and harder every day to her exposed stomach. It’s so sexy to see her all knocked up like this. It gets me going every time.

  And knowing that she has my twins growing in there is making my blood boil with need.

  “Are we done here, doc?” I ask impatiently. I want to show my girl just how much she means to me. And not with nice words or romantic cards. I want to show her in the dirty way.

  “I just have a few more things to look over,” he says, nosing around.

  I stand up and flick the monitor off. “We’re done.”

  He looks at me in shock, but then swallows hard when he sees how serious I am.

  I need to be inside her. Now.

  “Ready to go, jailbait?” I ask her.

  Mindy’s cheeks are all pink and getting pinker as she stares at the outline of my hard cock. “Yeah,” she says in a breathless tone. “I’m ready to get taken. I mean, I’m ready to go.”

  I grin as I slide an arm under her legs and another behind her back. She pulls her shirt down as I pick her up and charge out of the room with my girl.

  We stop for a second in the hallway.

  “I fucking love you,” I say as I stare into her beautiful blue eyes. I can’t wait to see if our boys will have the same devastating color.

  “I love you too.”

  She pulls my head down and we kiss. It gets me even harder. To the point where it’s awkward to walk.

  But that doesn’t stop me. I practically run with her to the hotel on the other side of the street.

  Where I can show her just how much I love her.

  In the dirty way.

  In the fun way.

  In our way.



  Four Years Later…

  Owen wa
its until the twins are in bed to tell me the good news.

  “What is it?” I ask when he pins me against the wall in the hallway. My head is spinning from the deep sexy kiss he just rocked me with.

  He smells so good as he presses his massive body against mine. I moan when I feel his hard cock pressing into my stomach.

  I’ve been waiting all day for this. I love playing with the boys, but there’s nothing like playing with my obsessive officer husband. There’s nothing more exciting than that.

  “Remember I told you the chief was thinking of retiring?” he says in his deep sexy voice.

  I perk up. “Yes…”

  He looks thrilled. “I got it, jailbait. You’re looking at the next Captain.”

  He crushes his lips to mine once again and thrusts his tongue into my mouth. I moan as he tastes me.

  “Captain Hardin,” I say in a sexy tone as I rest my swirling head against the wall. “Or should I call you, Captain Hard-on?”

  He presses his cock against me and I groan when I feel how hard he is. I love that after nearly five years together, I can still make him that hard.

  I love this man so much.

  He was all aggressive grunts and grabs when I first met him, but I’ve found that he’s such a sweetheart under his rough possessive exterior. Even with the boys, he’s gentle and caring. He’s finally released the darkness in his heart and embraced the love.

  Although, he still brings some of that darkness into the bedroom, which I always love.

  There’s nothing like a little hair pulling, spanking, and handcuffs to get me going…

  He grabs my chin with his big hand and holds my head up as he slides his other hand into my yoga pants. I wince and moan as he slides two fingers into my wet pussy.

  “Ohhh fuucckk, Captain,” I whimper as he pushes them all the way up to his knuckles.

  I’m already so close to cumming as he presses his palm against my throbbing clit. This sexy cop knows just what to do to send me spiraling into pleasure. And he does it several times a day.

  He pulls his hand away and is about to yank my yoga pants down when I grab his wrist. I couldn’t stop him even if I tried, but he hesitates for just a second.

  “Wait,” I gasp. My voice is all crackly and scratchy already. “You’re not the only one with good news.”

  He doesn’t say a word as he waits for it.

  “Remember how you’re always saying that you want to stuff another baby into my womb?”

  His body tightens as he listens very carefully. “Yes…”

  “Well,” I say as I swallow hard. “I stopped taking my birth control.”

  He grinds his hard cock against me and grins. “Then let’s get you nice and bred.”

  “I stopped taking it five weeks ago.”

  He freezes.

  I nearly laugh at how stunned he looks. He’s been arguing with me to get off it ever since I started taking it. But I’m sorry, I had twin boys! I didn’t want to get pregnant right away!

  This half-caveman wanted to put another baby in me the day we came home from the hospital with the twins! I had to do something to stop him.

  “Are you?”

  I bite my bottom lip and nod up and down.

  “We’re pregnant.”

  He lunges on me and takes my mouth in a passionate kiss that has me pressing up against the wall so I don’t fall down on my jelly-filled legs.

  Without stopping, he yanks down my pants and underwear, pulls out his cock, and thrusts it inside my pussy with one hard pump of his muscular hips.

  I whimper into his mouth and it doesn’t stop him. It doesn’t even slow him down.

  He fucks me hard and raw just like he did the first time.

  I cum hard on his cock over and over again as he fucks me up against the wall and continues after we fall onto the hardwood floors.

  I grin as we lay there two hours later, exhausted and smiling at the ceiling.

  I’m pregnant. I still can’t believe it.

  Owen is the most turned on when my belly is big and round.

  So, that means I’m about to have nine more months of intense sex, just like that.

  Now that’s cause for celebration!



  Forty Years Later…

  My heart swells close to bursting when my grandsons, Isaac and Arthur, both get called up by the Governor.

  Owen is on stage looking delectable in his new fitted suit. After all these years, he still kept his hard muscular body.

  I tried, but I could never keep up with him and have grown softer and saggier over the years. He’s never seemed to mind at all. In fact, he’s just as feisty in the bedroom as the day he pulled me over.

  We’re a family of police officers now. My twin boys both became cops. One of my two daughters, Jessica, became a cop and married a cop, and my other daughter, Avery, married a cop as well.

  I’m surrounded by officers. I can’t burn a casserole without fear of getting arrested.

  And now, my two oldest grandsons, Isaac and Arthur, are up there getting sworn in just like their father and grandfather did before them.

  I’m so proud of every single one of them. Out there protecting the innocent just like my brave husband did for all of those years.

  I have a smile from ear to ear as I watch my daughter-in-laws taking pictures as proud tears leak from their eyes.

  Sometimes, I’m filled with so much love that I worry I might drown in it all. This is one of those times.

  I look back over at Owen who is standing up there with his back straight and his patented hard stare on his mean-looking face. If only everyone knew what I know… that there is a huge caring heart beating under that wide imposing chest.

  Owen is retired now and although he misses the job at times, I’m glad he’s home because I get to keep him all to myself.

  He had to give back the uniform and the gun, but I made him keep the handcuffs. We keep them in the nightstand beside our bed for those nights when my man is extra frisky or when I’ve been extra naughty.

  Issac and Arthur both swear in and we stand, applaud, and cheer as two more members of the Hardin family get their badges.

  They walk over to their grandfather with proud smiles on their faces and I get all teary-eyed when I watch Owen shake their hands. He’s not showing it on his face, but I know that he’s bursting with pride.

  He loves our family as much as I do.

  After the ceremony when we’re back at our house celebrating, he corners me in the garage when I’m getting some platters out of our second fridge.

  “Stop right there,” he says as he closes the door.

  I swallow hard as I turn around with the platter of vegetables in my hands.

  “What’s the problem, Officer?” I ask as my cheeks start to blush.

  He slowly looks me up and down, his dark eyes narrowing on me hungrily.

  “Don’t you know it’s illegal to look that sexy?” he asks in his deep voice. His eyes narrow on my breasts. “I’ve always loved a big bust.”

  I can feel my nipples hardening under his intense stare. How does he always do this to me?

  “Owen, the whole family—”

  “Can wait,” he says as he approaches. He takes me in his arms and half the veggies fall to the floor as I shove the tray onto his workbench just in time for his lips to come down on mine. We’re stepping on carrots and crushing cherry tomatoes as we make-out and rip at each other’s clothes like we’re a couple of newlyweds again.

  He pushes me up against the wall beside the hanging leaf blower and I have one eye on the door and one eye on his belt that I’m desperately trying to claw open.

  Finally, I get his hard cock out as he yanks down my panties under my dress.

  He thrusts fully inside me as I struggle to fight back the deep moan that’s rumbling out of me.

  Fuck, I love his cock. I’ll never get tired of feeling it stretching me out.

  This is not a slow
, romantic lovemaking session—that will come later when everyone is gone. This is a fast, rushed quickie. It’s frantic. It’s chaotic. It’s rough and over way too fast.

  Owen sinks into my pussy with one hard thrust and comes in deep.

  My whole body melts as I feel his warm seed filling me. It makes me glow from the inside out.

  We quickly clean up before anyone comes in, wondering where we’ve wandered off to. I still feel him warm and sticky inside me as he helps me pick up the vegetables and quickly wash them in the sink.

  We toss them back on the tray—don’t judge, they’ll never know—and walk back into the house as if nothing just happened.

  As if my sexy police officer didn’t just rock my world for the millionth time.

  As if I don’t have his hot cum warming my insides.

  As if I’m not counting the seconds until they’ll leave so we can do it again…

  …and again…

  …and again…

  The End!

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  I won’t bite unless you ask me to

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  Working Under the Professor

  By Olivia T. Turner

  I’m going to teach her what happens when you tempt a dominant professor.

  I shouldn’t be looking at her like this.

  She’s my student.

  She’s nineteen-years-old.

  I’m way too old for her.

  Everything about this is inappropriate.